
We are Seeking for Conference Sponsors

  • Platinum Sponsor : 3000 USD
    • Logo on conference website, brochure,
      soft proceedings, at the venue within the
      conference area
      Exhibition space
      5-minute presentation during the kick off
      session + ppt presentation during coffee
      breaks (5 minutes, no sound)
      4 complimentary conference registration
      Social media promotion through INFITT social
      media channels
      20 % discount for additional passes
      Company description on website
      Logo on conference bags
      Promo materials in conference bags: if given
  • Gold Sponsor: 2500 USD
    • Logo on conference website, brochure,
      soft proceedings, at the venue within the
      conference area
      Exhibition space
      5-minute presentation during the kick off
      2 complimentary conference registration
      Social media promotion through INFITT social
      media channels
      15 % discount for additional passes
      Promo materials in conference bags: if given
  • Silver Sponsor: 1500 USD
    • Logo on conference website, brochure,
      soft proceedings, at the venue within the
      conference area
      Exhibition space
      5-minute presentation during the kick off
      1 complimentary conference registration
      Social media promotion through INFITT social
      media channels
      10 % discount for additional passes
  • Standing Banner Sponsors : 200 USD
    • 1 Standing  Banner Wil be allowed in Conference Hall (Not in Stage )

Exhibition Hub 

Also We are Inviting Software and Hardware Service and Product Companies in Exhibition Hub if your Product and Service  related to Tamil and Tamil Computing . We will give space to Setup your Exhibition Outlet in Conference Premises . 10×10  Space : 250 USD

Contact Email:  ed@infitt.org / Chair@infitt.org  Tel/Whatsapp:  +91 9176831915    +94 777563213